Saturday, October 30, 2021

Social Skills Tip of the Day!

 If you are a kid, and the person speaking to you is an adult, do not speak to them using slang.  Old folks (people in their 40s and beyond) will have no recognition of your favorite catchphrases and the fancy new word for cool. To be honest, it's a miracle any of us mastered using English back them when the dinosaurs walked the earth.  Be nice to us and use plain English.  Thank you.  

Social Skills Around Angry People.

When you're minding your business, but someone is in your face, screaming(and usually spitting) that you are impinging upon their freedoms about whatever, there is only one polite thing to do.  

No, it is not "punch them right in the face".  That is the way to be arrested for assault, and that is not recommended.  

The polite thing to do is say, "Okay." 

Then walk away.  

Why do we walk away?  Can't we just kick them in the shins?  They started it!

As someone once told me, you cannot play tug-of-war unless the other person grabs the rope.  If you walk away, you deprive this angry person of their sole purpose in life, which is to argue with anyone and everyone. 

Walk away.  

If they follow you, because they want to make one more spittle-infested point about the black hole of their life, walk to someplace where there are other people.   

Walk away.